Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Crime Scene Investigating and Processing Essay - 1267 Words

Crime Scene Investigating and Processing Throughout the course of this paper I am going to talk about crime scene investigating, as well as, crime scene processing. I will talk about what a crime scene is what makes it a crime scene. That happens at a crime scene, also, what to look for at a crime scene. I will talk about who is involved in processing a crime scene and when or if other jurisdictions need to be brought in. The first thing that happens when there is a crime being reported is the police are notified by the dispatcher. The police then record the time and the subject of the call. They also need to be sure to record who made the call and what was said during the call. Lastly the police need to be sure to record the†¦show more content†¦This has to be done until the preliminary investigation is completed. Officers also want to be sure to record anyone leaving or entering the crime scene (Bennett Hess, 12-13). Officers must be sure to secure the evidence. This means covering the dead, if there are any, with a blanket. With any outdoor evidence needs to be covered with a box, tarp, or a blanket. Officers should never touch or remove evidence unless it is short lived, might be removed by onlookers, or it could be easily damaged by the weather ( The first step in the investigation is called the preliminary investigation. This comes after the emergency aid has been given, and the crime scene has been secured. There are several steps, and the order depends on the specific crime and what type of evidence is available as well as the witnesses, if there are any. The responsibilities are measuring, photographing, videotaping and sketching the crime scene. They have to search for any evidence. Once the evidence has been found it has to be identified, collected, examined and processed. The victims, witnesses and the suspects have to all be questioned. The police have to record all statements and observations in their notes. If it is a simple case it may be handled by only one officer. If the case is a lot more complex then the responsibilities are often times divided among several different officers. Everything that isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Criminal Investigations1096 Words   |  5 PagesCriminal Investigations are ways that cri mes are looked at and criminals arrested (In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 2011). It is a huge part of getting criminals off the street. Investigation is a crucial aspect for many different crimes such as, but not limited to, theft, robbery, burglary, arson, murder, and assault. Criminal Investigations can take days or up to many years to solve; some cases are never closed. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Social And Legal Issues Surrounding Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a psychological diagnosis that tends to present episodes of depression and mania, thus the name manic-depression (Corry, 2010). This brain disorder causes strange mood changes, changes in routine activities and energy shifts. People suffering from bipolar disorder tend to exhibit instances of antisocial and violent behavior as they relate to people; this makes them extremely volatile and dangerous both to themselves and those close to them (Rose, 2007). The following paper will explore the political and legal issues surrounding bipolar disorder; it will also highlight the secondary and primary problems facing people with this mental disorder Bipolar and Law Enforcement Many of those who have this mental illness have a negative history of behavior that is explosive; some call this mania, rage, violence or anger (Kapczinski, 2015). This is why most find themselves grappling legal issues though some, fortunately, manage their condition with psychiatric medication. In their bouts of anger, people with bipolar disorder may use indiscreet language in public. Their inability to control their anger predisposes them to a lot of court cases some of which they could easily avoid. They also often violate traffic rules. In other instances, people with bipolar take on financial loans which later on turn out to be a burden to pay back such loans (fountoulakis, 2015). They take on huge sums of money to do drugs, this habit can be unsustainable and may leadShow MoreRelatedSocial Factors For Homelessness1425 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness can be defined as individuals without access to secure, affordable supportive decent housing (Crisis, 2005). If you do not have the legal authority to reside in your home or it is deemed unsuitable you can still be homeless (Shelter, 2016). 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Ethical Absolutism vs Ethical Relativism Essay Example For Students

Ethical Absolutism vs Ethical Relativism Essay W. T. Stace, a philosopher, in contrast to the view of the cultural relativist, argues that one cannot conclude that all moral actions are relative. He talks about two moral theories, ethical absolutism and ethical relativism, and presents arguements for and against each. He groups ethical absolutists as the right wing, the conservative and the old fashioned, and the ethical relativists as the left wing, the up to date fellows, the revolutionaries. Ethical absolutism is a simple and unwavering theory and that is that, there is but one eternally true and valid moral code and that it applies with rigid impartiality to all men, and that it is absolute and unvarying. The ethical absolutist does not proclaim his own moral code as the true or untrue one, nor does he commit to the credibility of his neighbors moral code, nor his ancestors, nor future generations. He will only commit to there being one morality applicable to all men in all times. Ethical absolutism evolved from Christian theology, Christian monotheism, and that God is the author of the moral law. Stace states that the revolt of the relativists against absolutism is based on the decay of belief in the doctrines of orthodox religion. Todays skepticism takes away the support Christian monotheism gave to absolutism. Ethical relativism put simply by Stace is a denial of ethical absolutism. There is no absolute moral code. The relativist believes, I think, as an example, that what a Frenchman believes is right for him, is right for him, and at the same time may be wrong for his neighbor, the Spaniard, and that is acceptable. He believes there is no one absolute standard but that there are only local, transient, and variable standards. One arguement in favor of relativism is based upon the actual existence of various moral standards within our world. Ruth Benedicts exploration of primitive cultures, where the development of localized social forms has remained intact and protected because of their isolation, shows us that morality is culturally defined. She gives numerous examples of how what one culture considers morally acceptable behavior, another culture considers that same behavior as immoral and unacceptable, while each culture exists and survives on its own without any difficulty. Stace goes on to say that the above arguement is a pretty weak one. Relativists can explain it by saying there is no one existent moral standard, and absolutists will say that there is one moral standard but these human beings are all ignorant of it. Another arguement, and I like this one, consists in alleging that no one has ever been able to discover upon what foundation an absolute morality could rest, or from what source a universally binding moral code could derive its authority. Im not quite sure I understand the arguements against relativism. Perhaps relativists in simplest of terms, believe in, live and let live, but I dont think that is basic to human nature. We continually have to judge and compare. On the basis of ethical relativism, any judgements we make can have no meaning. A comparison of moral standards implies the existance of a superior standard applicable to both. There can be no judgement as to what is best. Lastly, Stace presents the arguement of how the relativist will explain what the moral standards actually are within a social community and whose opinion within that community will be represented. Whether it be the majority or the minority, Stace concludes the results could be disasterous. This was a lot to absorb, and I had to read it several times through, and Im still not quite sure about it. In regard to ethical absolutism, my feeling is one of disagreement. Im not sure of any benefit in believing that a true and absolute moral law exists at some time or place, while having no knowledge of what that law actually is. Also, if one questions the existence of God, the position held by the ethical absolutist must also be questioned. My first impression upon the ethical relativists position was a favorable one. It sounded ideal. The relativist believes that morals are culturally defined, and that what is moral in one culture is the

Monday, December 2, 2019

Swat Analysis of a Hotel free essay sample

In August 2007 Dalata Ltd was establisched by Mr Pat McCann and TVC Holdings. Mr McCann purchased eleven hotels in Ireland with support from Davy Private Clients. Maldron Hotels Brand was introduced in September 2008, which includes 10 three-star and four-star hotels in key locations throughout Ireland. Maldron Hotel Cardiff was first opened in UK in May 2011. The main strategy was to develop the Maldron Hotel brand in Ireland and UK. In 2009 the company formed Dalata Management Services Ltd to operate hotels on a management contract basis on behalf of their owners, as it offers partner Hotels within the group. Currently the company has 15 partner hotels which inludes 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Ireralnd. Currently Dalata Hotel group operates 26 hotels in Ireland and UK which inludes 4500 bedrooms and cca 2500 employees. This makes Dalata Ireland’s largest hotel operator. Description of industry or sector Hotels belong into hospitality industry. The Hospitality sector includes all businesses that provide food, beverages and or accommodation. We will write a custom essay sample on Swat Analysis of a Hotel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This includes restaurants, pubs, bars and clubs, hotels, contact catering and hospitality services. The industry is known for its fast pace, hard work and high turnover. Organization Chart SWAT ANALYSIS Strengths Location – Maldron hotel Smithfield is located in Dublin 7. The location is just 5 minutes from the citz centre and 2 minutes from the Luas stop just opposite the hotel there is Jameson Distillery wich is one of the most popular tourist attractions. We have a sister hotel Parnell Square which is located in city centre. Location is our strength because if the hotel is situated I a good area it gives more opportunities to out guest. For example: any tourist who is looking for a hotel which is near to the tourist attraction or city centre it makes their life easier. Location plays a very important role. This becomes the strentgth of the hotel because most of the tourist and guest looks for a better location of a hotel. Management- another strength of this industry is the management. As the staff plays a verz omprtant rote. A friendly management changes the atmosphere. For example: if the guests are treated in a friendly manner and helped and looked after every tiny thing, the guest will always book themselves in the same hotel. This makes increase in the sales and gives a better name to the industry/property. Management becomes the most important strength of the industry. Trip Advisor In my opinion trip advisor is also one of the strengths of any hospitality management. As the review on trip advisor helps the management to improve in a better way. For example: lot of people booked their hotels after reading the reviews of the hotel. Theis is actually controlling the decision making powe of an individual, and it becomes the strength of any management. Quality/costing quality depends on costing. It has been said that if the hotel is more expensive it has better quality of everything but in my opinion it’s not true. No matter what the costing is the quality have to be the best. The Maldron group if hotel quality is same everywhere and its been the best in costins as well which makes its strength. It leads to customer’s satisfaction both in quality and costing. Public relation Public Relation is one of the most important strength of any industry. Its considered as building the image in public. Ithe image is build properly in front of the public it’s a big success. The Maldron group of hotels public relation is very strong because the hotels word of mout also works really nicely. It becomes the most extra ordinary strength. Weeknesses The term weeknesses does not mean that the industry is poor or bad. It just mention some points which leads the industry into a week name. If I talk about ourselves we all have some weekneses inside ourselves , which leads us for a better improvement. Slow service in the restaurant – Sometimes what happens that a lot of group of people arrived for lunch or dinner at the same time. Theis affects the services in the Restaurant. I personally would cal it a week point because when the clients are not been served on time there whore attitude changes towards the hotel, which leads to the weeknesses to f the restaurant service. I believe if the hoel hire more staff in the restaurant this weeknes would not be there. Advertising department – I feel that the advertising department needs to be omrove a little bit, as there is very less advertisement of the hotel which leads to less awareness of certain packages which our offered on a weekly basis. If the advertisement is done properly it will lead to mere berrer results. You van consider this as a major weekness of this industry. For example: I booked in the hotel through trip advisor and when I arrived I see that other guest are getting a free voucher for drink because they booke the package. And I as an individual was not aware of it anyhow it disappoint me at last that I booked same dates as the other but because I didn’t know about the package I can not injoy the free drinks. Its all because of the less descripted advertisement. Opportunities Career options – in an hospitality management there are loads of career options, gaining an experience in such field gives a better career options. Because its experience is beeb counted every where. Whether it’s a medical field or a marketing job. Hospitality is that field which is needed in all industry. Changing customer tastes – ther is an opportunity in changing customer tastes as an industry we are so powerfull that we can with customer tastes and we can change their mind. For example : if a customer has never tried some particular thing we can guide them to try it and as word of mout is so strong it makes the customer do that. New Distribution Channels – Basically the definition of a distribution channel is a path through which goods an services flow in one direction (from vendor to the consumer) and the payments generated by them that flow in the opposite direction (from consumer to the vendor) in this manner we have an opportunity for new distribution channels which helps in a long run and maintain a long term relationship. Threats Competition – is the biggest therat of this industry, I believe its everywhere the same treat. We all are scared of our competitors which threats for the competition. We need to be very careful and sensitive about our competitor . W hat I personally feel about this threat is if we know what’s happening with our competitors we would do better. For example: if Maldron has a rate of eur 69 per night and our competitors have the rate of 59 automaticaly all the clients will book themselves to a cheaper hotel that time they will not see the wuality at all. This competition leads to a bad threat for any industry. This needs to be taken cate in a very systematic way. Recession – is one of the major threats in any industry. For example: any country who his the recision it affects all the business in some manner. If I talk about the hospitality industry they start cutting he wages and fours of an individual which affects an individual in a bad way. Recesion becomes a main cause in a progress of an industry. If the wages are gerring cut it definitely affects the performance. It’s the biggest drawback of an hospitality industry.